Monday, May 31, 2010

Bits of IPv4 addresses

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Bits of IPv4 addresses

Bit is a binary digit. There are only two possible numbers in binary system: 0 and 1. Being switched off is represented by 0 and being switched on is represented by 1. One byte contains 8 bits. Every alphanumeric key of our keyboard is associated with a unique byte. All the 32 bits of IPv4 address are organized in four groups (Octets) of 8bits each. To find the decimal equivalent of one byte i.e. 8 bits, is to get the sum of underlying place value of all 1s. The place values of all the bits of any byte are as follows:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Let us assume that we want to get decimal equivalent of binary number 11000000, in this case we will have to sum up the place values of two 1s only and this will be 128 + 64 = 192. In the same way decimal equivalent of 10101000 will be 128 + 32 + 8 = 168, of 00000001 will be 1 and of 01001000 will be 64 + 8 = 72. Maximum value of any single byte is 11111111 = 255.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

IP version 4

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IP version 4

This standard has been used since 1970s. It uses 32 bits for addressing. With these many bits we can have 232 possible address combinations i.e. around 4,29,49,67,296 addresses. These many addresses were more than sufficient for early internet days, but now these are insufficient. That is why IPv6 standard is being pushed forward to be used by us. Even after completion of transition to IPv6, the older IPv4 addresses will still be usable. IPv4 addresses can be specified in two ways: 1- Binary notation and 2- Dotted decimal notation. Here a general IPv4 example is given:

11000000 10101000 00000001 01001000

Computer read this kind of data only. But we people have familiarity with decimal numbers like 0,1,2,3,4…8,9 etc. Above shown binary IPv4 address is easy to convert into dotted decimal number, which can be like

Friday, May 28, 2010

IP addressing

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IP addressing

For any computer to be able to communicate on TCP/IP network, it requires an IP address. This IP address can either be set statically or it can be obtained from our ISP. Any TCP/IP address is a combination of network part of address, plus host part of address along with a subnet mask. An example of such an address is / This is an IPv4 address. Its subnet mask is, which tells that the network part of IP address is 192.168.1 and host part of IP address is 74. Netmask defines a range of IP addresses that we can assign to any specific network address. Today we have two versions of IP addressing. One is IPv4 and the other is IPv6.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

TCP/IP application level protocols:

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TCP/IP application level protocols:

These were the details of TCP/IP protocols. Next section onwards we will study about IP addressing.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TCP/IP Application layer protocols

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TCP/IP Application layer protocols

There is a long list of this layer protocol. The list of theses can be seen in /etc/services. It is shown in following figure:

There are around 216 ports i.e. 65536 ports with TCP/IP. When Linux system is directed to any port we receive the data related to that port. The following table lists few important application layer protocols and associated ports. There are few well known ports. These are assigned by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).