Saturday, March 6, 2010

Configuration of disk quota

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Configuration of disk quota

The quota RPM package is installed by default in Red Hat Linux system. We can check for it using following command:

# rpm -q quota

If it is installed, we will see its package name along with its version number, in the output shown by it. If it is not installed then we can install it using quota rpm package (quota-3.12-5.i386.rpm) available in 2nd CD of RedHat Linux.

# rpm -Uvh quota-3.12-5.i386.rpm

Once the quota is made active in the kernel, we can configure quotas on any particular partition for users or groups. In any case we will have to remount the target directory with /etc/fstab’s active quota settings. After configuring these settings, we can activate quota ourselves. Otherwise, these will be activated in next reboots.

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