Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kickstart- Creating boot CD

लिनक्स संबंधी सभी डाउन लॉड्‍स के लिए निम्न लिंक क्लिक करें:

हिन्दी लिनक्स ब्लॉग का एड्रेस:

To start creating file, log in as root user. Now copy the anaconda-ks.cfg file using following command:

# cp /root/anaconda-ks.cfg /home/ks.cfg

Here we have copied the original file in the home directory with the name as ks.cfg, which will be used later by copying it on either floppy disk, on local hard disk or in the accessible location on the network. Now we can use any text editor to edit this ks.cfg file, for making any desired changes. Make sure that required items should be in strict order. If any item is omitted, the user will be asked for an answer. The pound sign (#) within this file marks the whole line as commented i.e. it will not be executed during its run.

Note: We must remove hash (#) sign in front of both part options in above file.

Make the kickstart file available:

Once the ks.cfg file is created, you are required to put it somewhere that should be accessible to the system during the installation. A kickstart file must be placed on any one of the following locations:

1. On the boot floppy

2. On the boot CD ROM

3. On the network

Of these, the network-based approach is mostly used, because most kickstart installations are performed on network systems.

Floppy based booting is not supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux now. Installation has to use CD ROM or flash memory for booting. To perform a CD based installation, the name of kickstart file should be ks.cfg and should be located in top-level directory of the CD ROM. Hence, before creating the boot image, for making a bootable CD ROM, we must copy this ks.cfg file to the directory where the boot image has to be created.

Preparing kickstart CD

To prepare your own CD ROM to boot the installation program, use the following commands:

Copy the isolinux/ directory from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD #1 into a temporary directory (referred to here as /home/backup) using the following command:

# mkdir /home/backup

# cp -r /media/cdrecorder/isolinux/ /home/backup

(Replace the exact path of your CD ROM drive in place of /media/cdrecorder)

This will place isolinux directory in /home/backup directory.

Change directories to the /home/backup directory you have created:

# cd /home/backup

Make sure the files you have copied have appropriate permissions:

# chmod u+w isolinux/*

Now, we must copy the ks.cfg file from /home directory to this directory:

# cp /home/ks.cfg /home/backup/isolinux/ks.cfg

# cd /home/backup/isolinux

Making ISO and burning the CD

We can burn the bootable CD with the files in above directory, using Nero software in windows or by making an ISO image in Linux as follows:

Issue the following command to create the ISO image file:

            # mkisofs   -r  -T   -J   -V   “redhatksboot”  –b   isolinux.bin  –c   -no-emul-boot  

-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -v -o /home/backup/file.iso .

Note: The above command was split into two lines for printing purposes only. When you execute this command, be sure to type it as a single command, all on the same line.

Now a new image named file.iso will be generated.

Burn this resulting ISO image (named file.iso and located in /home/backup) to a CD-ROM using following command or through Nero in Windows.

# cdrecord -v -data speed=4 file.iso

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