Monday, January 11, 2010

Kickstart installation

लिनक्स संबंधी सभी डाउन लॉड्‍स के लिए निम्न लिंक क्लिक करें:

हिन्दी लिनक्स ब्लॉग का एड्रेस:

Kickstart installation: Sharing directories:

  1. For setting up NFS server we must share /home/redhat directory as NFS share. For this add an entry to the /etc/exports file, for this you can use vi text editor or any other which you are comfortable with:

# vi /etc/exports

And now you can add the following line by making it sure that there is no space after asterisk:

/home/redhat *(ro,sync)

Save the changes by pressing Esc, :wq sequence.

  1. Now, export the shared directory with following command

# exportfs -a

  1. Restart the NFS service now by following command

# service nfs restart

  1. Make the NFS sharing permanent

# chkconfig nfs on

  1. If the firewall is on during the installation process, then it will be safer to disable it. For this we will simply flush all the firewall rules by following command:

# iptables -F

That is all; we have now set up a directory with Red Hat installation files, and shared it with NFS.

Installation requirements:

To use the NFS directory that we have shared, we will need two things – the address of NFS server and the location of the /redhat directory.

The address of NFS server can either be the computer name (e.g. linuxserver71), or the FQDN as But to use these we require a working DNS server on our network. So the best thing will be to use the IP address of the NFS server. This can be seen by running ifconfig command on NFS server.

Based on the work performed as above, the location of RedHat directory will be /home/redhat.

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