This command is used to create directory. We can create several directories level at once, if we choose so. We also can assign permissions on newly created directory. Few of mkdir commands are shown here:
Command Details
mkdir /home/anil/ajai It will create a directory named ajai in /home/anil directory
mkdir -m 775 /home/anil/ajai It will create a directory ajai within /home/anil with rwx
permissions for owner and group members, but r-x permission
for others.
mkdir -p vijai/vinai It will create directory vinai. If vijai directory does not exist, -p
switch will create this directory too. Here both the directories are
created as subdirectories of current directory.
Present working directory, command is used to show the path of current working directory. This command does not require any argument or switch. Simply type pwd and we will get the out put some what like - /home/anil/ajai, which means currently we are within the directory ajai which is under /home/anil directory.
Concatenate ( cat ) command is used to display the contents of a file, i.e. to send the text to standard output. We also can use it to read multiple files. We can create a new file, over write old or even append an old file as well, but can not modify them.
Command Details
cat myfile1 It will display the contents of myfile1 file
cat myfile1 myfile2 It will display the contents of both the files one by one
cat > myfile3 It will create myfile3 in current directory. if it doe not exist.
Otherwise it will overwrite old myfile3
To save and exit, just press ^z on the next line
cat >> myfile4 It will create myfile4 in current directory, if it doe not exist,.
Otherwise it will append the contents in old myfile4
This command allows us to view the contents of a file page by page. It does not allow us to go back on the page.
Command Details
more myfile4 It will display contents of file myfile4 one page full. Once we are through, we can press space bar once to go one page ahead.
cat myfile4 | more Pressing enter key lets us move line by line
This works like more command but it also allows us scrolling up and scrolling down the file. Both commands, more and less start from top of the file. We can use following command within less:
Command Details
space To go forward one page in screen
4z To go forward 4 lines in the file. We can use any number.
/anil To search the text anil in the current file. We can search any
page down To go forward one page
page up To go back one page
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